ANOVA Testing of OLS Models:

I’ll use the data set mtcars. You can find documentation of what it is about here. But just remember that there are 32 models, and for each one the miles-per-gallon, horse-power, and other variables are recorded. This is the beginning of it:

                   mpg  cyl  disp   hp    drat    wt     qsec   vs  am gear carb
Mazda RX4         21.0   6   160    110   3.90    2.620  16.46  0   1    4    4
Mazda RX4 Wag     21.0   6   160    110   3.90    2.875  17.02  0   1    4    4
Datsun 710        22.8   4   108    93    3.85    2.320  18.61  1   1    4    1


We’ll run two almost random OLS regressions as follows:

fit1 <- lm(mpg ~ wt, mtcars)          #mpg regressed on weight of the car
fit2 <- lm(mpg ~ wt + qsec, mtcars)   #mpg regressed on weight and qsec

Notice that fit1 is a constrained model in the way that we force the regression coefficient for qsec in fit2 to be zero. fit2, conversely, is unconstrained.


anova(fit1, fit2)

Analysis of Variance Table

Model 1: mpg ~ wt
Model 2: mpg ~ wt + qsec

     Res.Df    RSS      Df    Sum of Sq      F            Pr(>F)   
1     30      278.32                              
2     29      195.46    1     82.858       12.293         0.0015 **

I won’t enter into a lengthy explanation of what these values signify, but seeing where they come from will probably help you.


1. Error or Residual Degrees of Freedom: We see them in the output of the anova call as Res. Df 30 and Res. Df 29. They are calculated as:

\(\text{no. observations} - \text{no. indepen't variables} - 1 = 32 - 1 - 1 = \color{red}{30}\) for fit1, and \(32-2-1 = \color{red}{29}\) for fit2. Remember that we have 32 car models.

2. Model Degrees of Freedom: It is equal to \(\text{no. inepen't variables}.\)

3. Total Degrees of Freedom: \(\text{no. observations} -1.\)

4. Constraints: The unconstrained model (fit2) has two independent variable, and hence, it is a model with \(2\) degrees of freedom. In contrast, the constrained model (fit1) has only \(1\) degree of freedom. The difference between \(\text{model unconstrained df} - \text{model constrained df} =\color{red} 1\) is the number of constraints, shown on the output of the anova table as Df 1.


Let’s calculate the RSS (residual sum of squares), also known as sum of squared errors (SSE), and the F value. To do so these are the pertinent manual calculations:

Mean dependent variable: \(\bar y\)

mu_mpg <- mean(mtcars$mpg)                      # Mean mpg in dataset

Total Sum of Squares (TSS): \(\sum_1^n(y_i - \bar y)^2\)

TSS <- sum((mtcars$mpg - mu_mpg)^2)             # Total sum of squares

Model Sum of Squares (MSS): \(\sum_1^n (\hat y_i-\bar y)^2\)

MSS_fit1 <- sum((fitted(fit1) - mu_mpg)^2)      # Variation accounted for by model
MSS_fit2 <- sum((fitted(fit2) - mu_mpg)^2)      # Variation accounted for by model

Residual Sum of Squares (RSS, also SSE): \(\sum_1^n(y_i - \hat y)^2\)

RSS_fit1 <- sum((mtcars$mpg - fitted(fit1))^2)  # Error sum of squares fit1

RSS_fit1 \(\color{red}{278.3219}\)

RSS_fit2 <- sum((mtcars$mpg - fitted(fit2))^2)  # Error sum of squares fit2

RSS_fit2 \(\color{red}{195.4636}\)

Notice that the RSS column in the ANOVA table correspond to RSS_fit1 = 278.3219 and RSS_fit2 = 195.4636 of the manual calculations above.

In the ANOVA table we also have the difference in RSS: sum(residuals(fit1)^2)-sum(residuals(fit2)^2) = 82.85831, or calculated as indicated above:

\(\text{RSS_fit1 - RSS_fit2} = \color{red}{82.85831}\), indicated in the anova table as Sum of Sq.

Fraction RSS/TSS:

Frac_RSS_fit1 <- RSS_fit1 / TSS                 # % Variation secndry to residuals fit1
Frac_RSS_fit2 <- RSS_fit2 / TSS                 # % Variation secndry to residuals fit2

R-squared of the model: \(1 - RSS/TSS\)

R.sq_fit1 <- 1 - Frac_RSS_fit1                  # % Variation secndry to Model fit1

R.sq_fit1 \(\color{blue}{0.7528328}\) Compare to summary(fit1)$r.square 0.7528328

R.sq_fit2 <- 1 - Frac_RSS_fit2                  # % Variation secndry to Model fit2

R.sq_fit2 \(\color{blue}{0.8264161}\) Compare to summary(fit2)$r.square 0.8264161


n <- nrow(mtcars)                               # Number of subjects or observations

Constraints <- 1                 # Constraints imposed or difference in iv's fit2 vs. fit1
UnConstrained <- 2               # Independent variables uncontrained model (fit2)

\(\Large F = \frac{(R^2_{\text{mod.2}}-R^2_{\text{mod.1}})\,\times\, (N\,-\,\text{no. unconstrained}_{\text{mod.2}}\,-\,1)}{((1 - R^2_{\text{mod.2}})\,\times\, \text{no. constraints})}\)

with \(N\) corresponding to the number of observations; \(\text{no. unconstrained}\), the number of independent variable in the full model; and \(\text{no. constraints}\), the difference in independent variables between the full and the reduced model.

F_value=(R.sq_fit2 - R.sq_fit1) * (n - UnConstrained - 1) / ((1 - R.sq_fit2) * Constraints)

F_value # \(\color{red}{12.29329}\)

And the p-value, which in this case is 0.0015, which is significant. [R] has a system of stars to point out the level of significance, in this case p < 0.01.

In terms of a more graphical interpretation of the ANOVA of an OLS regression, we can visualize the model squared variation (MSS) for fit1 as the green lines in the plot below (equivalent to the “between groups” variance or signal). The RSS is exactly the sum of the length of the red segments separating the individual points from the fitted regression line (and corresponds to the “within group” variance or noise):

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NOTE: These are tentative notes on different topics for personal use - expect mistakes and misunderstandings.